While editing a draft, clicking on a main navigation item will leave the editor, discarding unsaved changes. There should be a warning, that leaving the editor without saving, will lead to data loss.
The line line could probably have a searchable time or month selector, to narrow down updates of that month, and search function for a tag or topic
Drafts page should have a checkbox next to each entry. Selected drafts can be published all at once. According to the dates that are set in the draft entries, they are appropriately published or scheduled.
It would be great if the email sent to subscribers contains the content of the post. I'd prefer that to having them click through to the changelog.
I want the left side to be a sidebar experience, can hide it and make the homepage/page 1 column (fullscreen UX). The width of the sidebar can be change to 30:70, now it's 50:50.
It would be helpful to implement the option for not only custom subdomain, but root domain with path for the changelog, such as domain.com/changelog/ in order to (...)
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